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Forum Rules - 23/07/2021
Please be respectful to all members of this forum!
Occasionally, conflicts may arise when people voice opinions. Be courteous when disagreeing with others. Disrespectful behaviour such as harassing, profanity, abusive language, personal attacks, trolling, flaming, racial, religious, ethnic, sexual slurs, or similar behaviour / language is forbidden!
If a thread is in violation of the forum rules, please notify a moderator or administrator directly.
Please Contribute
If you use the forum, it would be great if everyone works together and contributes actively to the forum to keep it active and alive!
Forbidden activity:
- Insults. Direct personal insult of another forum member (e.g., "You are an idiot.") and other name-calling. Why? Because this isn't primary school. People should be able to discuss or even dispute other's posts without insulting people. You may dispute somebody's opinion but not attack the person who stated it. There are a lot of other non-direct-personal insults that won't necessarily get you banned instantly, but depending on the context/nature may lead to post editing, post deletion, warnings, or time-outs. They include telling people to shut up, describing a member as an ignorant person (rather than ignorant about a particular topic) or obtuse or as an apologist, and being extremely or repeatedly rude or sarcastic. It is not your place to tell other users they are not welcome; if they follow the rules, they are welcome. Bottom line -- do not try to tick off others and don't make discussions unnecessarily personal. If somebody else insults you, report their post; their post does not give you a license to break the rules by returning their insults. Although we do not read Private Messages sent between forum members, the rules for appropriate and inappropriate content apply to them as well.
- Harassment. Purposely intimidating a particular member, harassing them, sending them rude or unwanted private messages, etc. This includes personal attacks on moderators for doing their jobs.
- Threats. Any threat or intimation of a threat.
- Registration rules. Violation of the rules you agreed to when registering for the site: that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
- Multiple registration. You may register only one account. Reinstatement of banned or cancelled accounts can come only from an administrator.
- Hoaxes. Purposely misleading other members to their detriment. Giving advice you know to be incorrect or harmful. Sensationalism.
- Trolling. Do not post in order to anger other members or intentionally cause negative reactions. For a given post, this can be a subjective call, but a pattern of such posting or an especially egregious case will get you banned.
- Hate speech and group slurs. Discrimination, abuse, threats, or prejudice against a particular group, for example based on race, gender, religion or sexual orientation, in a way that a reasonable person would find offensive.
Libellous Comments and Posts. making false or unfair statements that are likely to damage the reputation of a person or organisation.
Users in violation with these rules receive warnings and repeated offenders will be banned!
Moderators may also choose to instantly ban a user, because of major offenses.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Immediate bans from the forum result from any of the following activities: using VPNs, the posting of harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, hateful, excessive obscene or vulgar language; posts which discuss or illustrate illegal activity and/or providing links to sites that contain any of the aforementioned.
This is a private message board. The UTS Forum team reserves the right to remove any message board content at will without notice for any reason. Your information will never be sold, rented or otherwise made available to third parties!
There may be posts with information that the author intends only for this forum. Please respect that and do not share information clearly marked as private on other forums or other mediums!
VPNs (Virtual Private Networks)
Unfortunately, due to abuse of usage, VPNs are now banned from being used on the forum. We have tools and capability to track IP’s and users associated with them. These tools flag up when a user changes country or IP too quickly or too many times. This rule falls under section 4 of this document and therefore has a zero tolerance policy.
We may revise these Rules at any time by amending this page. You are expected to check the board rules once in a while to make sure to take notice of any changes.
13 topics in this forum
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- 40 replies