The Interim Board for the Football Supporters' Society of Bury would like to provide the following statement with regards an update of the ongoing election process.
The nomination period has now closed. All nominations have now been vetted to ensure they abide by the Elections Policy and Code of Conduct. As a result, we can now circulate the list of nominees and open the voting period as per the Election Policy. These will be issued separately to members by email from by Mi-Voice.
Voting has now also opened and will be open for a period of 21 days. This is a slight deviation from the previous anticipated timetable but will allow sufficient time for people who wish to vote after the SGM arranged for the 10th October 2023.
An updated calling notice for the Election SGM can be found at the bottom of this email and will take place on Thursday 19th October 2023 where the results of the election will be announced via an online meeting. Members are encouraged to read the statements from all nominees before casting their vote.
We are also able to confirm that the data cleansing work on the database has been completed. Board members from both previous societies have spent numerous hours in recent weeks going through membership lists to remove any duplicates and request additional information for any accounts that have been deemed as possibly invalid. Any accounts that were unable to provide the required information have been excluded from voting, along with any duplicates who were members of both Societies.
The Interim Board are in unanimous agreement that they are happy to publicly sign off the final membership database submitted to Mi-Voice who will oversee the election.
Whilst we acknowledge concerns raised by members, we hope that this statement will reassure members that all possible work and effort has been done to ensure the validity of the database and we can move forward to electing the first Board of the Football Supporters' Society of Bury as a united membership.
The formal Calling Notice is here.
If you have any issues regarding the voting process, please contact in the first instance.