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We are delighted to soon be launching ‘Junior Shakers’, a club membership scheme for our youngest fans. As well as a host of bespoke merchandise and other membership benefits, our Junior Shakers will all be given the opportunity to be a mascot at one of our men’s or women’s home games at Gigg Lane this season.

To launch the scheme we are running a badge design competition and you can find entry details and a design sheet below. The winning badge will then be used on our Junior Shakers merchandise and the winner will also receive a child’s season ticket for Gigg Lane for the coming season.

Please note, this is now the only way to mascot at Gigg Lane. We have been asked about creating a paid mascot opportunity, but have decided we want to give as many children as possible the opportunity to mascot and feel that the annual membership fee of just £30 for Junior Shakers offers excellent value for money.

Local junior football teams and school teams and classes will still be given the opportunity to be flag-bearers at our men’s or women’s games at Gigg Lane and interested managers or teachers can contact our new community development officer to arrange this and join a waiting list for a place (at; communityofficer@buryfc.co.uk).

Initially, teams and schools who have not already been flag-bearers or mascots at Gigg Lane over the past year will be offered this opportunity. All mascots and flag-bearers will be given free entry to Gigg Lane on the day, but must be accompanied by a fully paying adult if they are under the age of 13.

Once we have chosen our newly designed badge, we will be releasing details of how to join the scheme via our website and a link to the online sign up.

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