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Dave McNabb has released the following message to supporters:

Good evening Shakers,

I know it’s been a turbulent time over the last couple of days with the events that have unfolded but I wanted to reach out to you all and ask that we all continue to focus on the football, keep driving the team on and try to remain positive.

I’d like to place on record my thanks to Phil and Marcel who brought me into the club. The pair have worked tirelessly in the background and have been a driving force in getting us to where we are today.

As we enter a transition period for the club there will be lots of opinions and thoughts about how we move forward, we must support the board behind the scenes to navigate us though this challenging time and trust the upcoming electoral process will deliver us the right people and structure to continue to propel the club forward.

In the meantime, let’s all do our bit to ensure we achieve our goals and objectives on the pitch this year. Whether that is picking the team, coaching the team, playing staff, volunteers or fans, we all have our roles to play to ensure this season is a success. We have had a very positive start and we couldn’t have achieved what we have so far without you, the fans. The team now needs you more than ever, in your numbers and as loud and proud as ever.

See you tomorrow,


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