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Never again will you have to ask the question “Is the club shop open?” because we are excited to announce that your brand new online club shop will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!


We’ve partnered with Hope + Glory to bring you some fantastic lines of Shakers merchandise including replica shirts, training gear, leisure wear and more.


Our new member-selected home and away kits and training shirts are on sale NOW.




A pre-orders window is open until midnight on Sunday 2nd July, when the first batch of orders will be sent for manufacturing to be with us as soon as possible and target for the first game of the season at the end of July.


Further lines of merchandise will be added in the coming weeks so keep checking back at the shop or look out for our updates via email or on social media.


Visit your new club shop by clicking on the image below, grab your Shakers gear and be #PartOfIt




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